Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ever since that night

I wrote a song. its for a special certain someone who i think never reads this. but if she does, then its for you =]

Ever since i wrote that song
about two weeks ago
a week after i saw you
saw that smiling face of yours

[c] i cant help but think
i cant help but feel
feel these things in my heart
everything that deals with you
and your beautiful self

i cant see you hurt
it makes me want to hold you even more
your head against my chest
with tears coming down your eyes


I cant help these growing feelings
but it just makes me excited
my heart races just to think of your name
and how much you mean to me
and my life, my life


Ever since i wrote that song
i dream of you more
and love you just a little bit more

Peace 'n' love

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