Saturday, March 27, 2010

Where is my home?

Heres a poem i wrote today. It was influenced a bit by "this is home" by switchfoot. but it is mainly influenced by the fact that i'm going to college, and i really dont know where my true home is.

where is my home?
is it in that wickerbasket
where people know whats there?
or is it in the small concrete block
where this name can be heard?

is it in that far off land
one i prise so much
one that is new and wiling
in that place people call Indiana
where i know almost nobody

or is it in this place?
the chair i am sitting in
that has worn down from over-use
in a place i call New Jersey
where i know almost everyone

or is it in a place i dont know?
on the beating pulse of someone
a girl in my dreams
or the boys and girls i dont completely know yet
the ones i will soon enough know

where is my home?
in the end i will realize
this is home
i belong in this very place
i have found my home

Peace 'n' Love
God Bless

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